Android Friendly

WeChat 4.5.1

Another way to communicate with your friends and loved ones
Category:  Application/Communication
Date released:  16 May 2013
Size:  18.59MB
Security level: 98% safe
Author:  Tencent Technology
Rating: Exellent 5/5

WeChat is a interaction system that allows you to keep in touch with any other customer of the same program (if it’s set up on Android operating system or iOS). You can deliver personal or team sms information, images, movie clips, speech information, information on your place (GPS) and even make movie calling in high-definition.

Before using the program, just like with other identical solutions such as Whatsapp or LINE, you will have to link your phone number to a personal account, a procedure that will only take a few moments. Once you’ve done this, you can see a finish record of buddies who are using WeChat.

All the discussions you have on WeChat will be saved on your system in an ‘offline’ way significance that only you can accessibility them from your mobile phone, nobody else.

WeChat is an substitute way to link, assisting its customers to instantly start discussions between each other. Just like other kinds of programs like WeChat, it’s recognized by its convenience.